3+ Fun Easter Recipes you Can Make with Your Kids
Easter is just around the corner, and it will undoubtedly be different this year. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t bring a little Easter cheer to your Easter weekend! We’ve put together some fun Easter recipes! You and your children can make these together. Let’s show our holiday spirit! Not to mention, it’s something to…
Read MoreHow to Deal with Stress During COVID-19
In this uncertain and unprecedented time, there’s no doubt you may be feeling things you have never felt before, or feelings are amplified due to the added stress because of COVID-19. Many people are saying how they feel like everything is falling apart and have no control over anything anymore. I myself am feeling more…
Read MorePantry Essentials
Now more than ever you want your pantry stocked properly with good, wholesome and nutrient-rich foods. Let’s be clear though – that doesn’t mean you need to go out and start hoarding everything and anything from every grocery store. There is plenty of food to go around for everyone and in fact. We discourage panic-buying.…
Read More4 BBQ Victoria Day Long Weekend and Plant-Based Options
It’s hard to believe that the May long weekend is just around the corner! While usually people celebrate this holiday up at their cottage or barbecuing with family and friends at home, this year is going to look different. That doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate and enjoy the long weekend with all the delicious…
Read MoreFun Ways with Fruit (Activities for Kids Involving Fruits)
Getting enough fruit into your children’s daily routine can be a challenge as many young kids are picky eaters. Children know what they like and stick to it. Having said that, fruits are an important food to incorporate into your child’s diet for a number of reasons. Firstly, they provide fibre, which helps keeps things…
Read MoreThe Impact of Three Common Addictions on Stress and Anxiety
If you’re on social media you’ll notice that many people’s photos and captions lately depict them drinking copious amounts of coffee, making banana bread or starting to drink alcoholic beverages early on in the day, since there is nowhere to go and nothing to do (due to social distancing). While it may seem innocent and…
Read MoreThe Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
Have you ever stopped to wonder why we typically sleep for about one third of our lives? The short answer is because it’s simply that important for our overall health and more specifically, our immune health. Sleep is necessary for recovering from the energy expenditure you have endured throughout your day; it allows both your…
Read MorePantry Essentials – Part II
Welcome to part two of the Pantry Essentials blog! When creating the original blog, it became apparent that many items can make up your pantry and be considered essential. The more you have on hand, the more creative you can get in the kitchen, and that’s why we wanted to make the first blog into…
Read More4 Recipes You Can Make For Canada Day 2020
Happy 153rd birthday, Canada! While we most likely know that Canada Day is also known as Canada’s birthday, did you know these other interesting facts about the birth of the country we live in? While originally celebrated by the ringing of bells at the Cathedral Church of St. James in Toronto, over the years, Canada…
Read MoreDIY Activities You Can With Your Kids (Summer 2020)
It’s been just about four months since the kids have been home from school and if you have kids of your own, it’s safe to say, you likely miss sending them off for the day and the sense of normalcy that school brings. Since they’ve been home for a while now, you’ve possibly run out…
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