4 Lifestyle Changes That Support Optimal Health for Men

It’s 2021, yet the cliché about men neglecting their health is still alive. June is Men’s Health Month, and we want to take this opportunity to try and help change this narrative.
According to the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation, lifestyle is the greatest risk factor for men’s health. Only 30% of Canadian men’s chronic health conditions are genetic—70% are caused by lifestyle. It’s because of bad habits that men can be needlessly unhealthy.
We put together a list of lifestyle changes that, when implemented, can have a very positive impact on a man’s overall health and wellness.
Skip the Fast Food
Canadian studies show that men are more likely to eat fast food than women, which often contains high amounts of unhealthy fats damaging to cardiovascular health.
We live in a faced-paced world, and eating on the go is a reality of life. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can eat healthy while sticking to your “go, go, go” schedule. If you are genuinely strapped for time, try reaching for prepared foods made from whole foods and healthy ingredients.
Salad bowls over fries – your future self will thank you.
Get Active
Regular exercise throughout your life is identified as the most significant contribution you can make to your overall health. Every system in your body benefits from even moderate exercise.
From yoga to weight training to daily walks, there’s an option for anyone looking to get active. When you make exercise a priority, you make your health a priority.
Catch More Z’s
Lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and poor sleep over an extended period can have adverse effects on many aspects of health.
Support your Wellness Journey with Supplements
Supplements provide our bodies with nutrients and support at the cellular level that we may not otherwise get through our diets. Some essential nutrients and supplements for men include:
Think of multivitamins as the foundation for nutritional supplementation.
The same way you start with a multivitamin for vitamins, you should start with a good mineral complex for minerals.
Multivitamins often contain minerals as well as vitamins, so be careful you don’t double up.
This was traditionally thought to be critical for heart health only. Studies have now discovered CoQ10 receptors throughout the body, making it essential to overall health.
Beyond cardiovascular health, CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that plays a vital role in energy production, oxygen utilization and protection against oxidative stress.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
ALA is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger. It is unique because it’s water and fat-soluble. This is relevant because it can work from both inside and outside of cells.
It detoxifies and helps the body to eliminate heavy metals. It also promotes the production of glutathione, making it the king of all antioxidants.
DIM (diindolylmethane)
DIM is an extract taken from cruciferous vegetables that promote hormone balance and cellular health. Research has shown that it helps the body to safely metabolize estrogen through safe pathways.
This may reduce risk factors for cancer, particularly prostate cancer for men.
Folate (folic acid)
This is the natural version of folic acid. Natural folate is preferable because it’s highly bioavailable and is more stable than folic acid. On supplement labels, natural folate will usually show up as “5-MTHF”.
It controls an amino acid called homocysteine. Homocysteine is a significant cause of arteriosclerosis. It’s also vital for nerve and hormone function. It also promotes enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies, vitamins and cell membranes.
It also supports healthy immune function, detoxification, energy production, DNA repair, brain activity, mood stabilization and healthy inflammatory response.
This hormone plays a vital role in mood stabilization, balancing circadian rhythms (thereby facilitating a good night’s sleep) and endocrine system regulation.
It supports a healthy immune system, reduces inflammation and is yet another antioxidant. Depending upon lifestyle habits, 0.25 to 0.5mg/night may be beneficial.
Melatonin levels can be checked via saliva test to check for deficiency.
This promotes a healthy gut. A healthy gut means better digestion, increased nutrient absorption and a stronger immune system. A good probiotic should contain numerous species of the “good” microorganisms you need for a healthy gut.